Bagel Cafe

A little too much focus on the hole and not the bagel, if you know what I mean?!
Bagels are a unique Jewish food, and there are variations on what many call a bagel. Go to Montreal and ask for a bagel, and what you will get will be round with a hole in it, but it ain’t no bagel! Israelis think they know bagels. Order one and you will see - if you are from the North East - Israelis knew bagels like I know diets.
Well, that was true until Bonkers Bagels came around. Started by New Yorkers who wanted to bring the Manhattan bagel experience to Jerusalem, this place only sold to Americans, since Israelis did not much care for the taste. (By the way, they are now out of business). Bagel Café is a flattering attempt to imitate that US bagel. Close, but no cigar.
They have a nice venue, and the many spreads they offer are great. One advantage is you can choose your spreads so, unlike at Caffit, you do not get things you do not like. However, sometimes things on your plate you would not order expands your palate!
The breakfast is good. The prices are fair. The service is Messianic…..meaning you will be waiting. The bagels are decent but no H&H. For breakfast, you will be treated well. Just do not expect to have your bagel circle squared here!