Golda Ice Cream

Regardless of where you are, it is time for ice cream somewhere. I am not beyond starting my day with a scoop and it is the perfect night cap to a long day. Fortunately, Israel is loaded with some excellent creamery options to wash down that delicious lunch, dinner, or even breakfast. Israel also uses a higher percentage of cream/fat when making gelato and ice cream, offering a richer taste. But, do not fret, all of the portions are significantly smaller than back in the old country.
I will focus on some ice cream establishments that have locations throughout Israel and offer pareve and Dairy options for the meat eaters that are not Dutch, following along at home.
Golda: Why not start with the very best. Like its namesake, this bold and powerful gelato factory offers a noticeable and familiar décor in all of its locations, smart and eager staff and flavors that abound. For me, I have a choosing meltdown when I can only narrow it down to three options. That said, any of the Kinder or Ferrero or Cookies options are not to be believed. The sorbet options are plentiful. You can taste the freshness and originality in each bite. While the flavors vary by week and location , the tastes are consistently phenomenal.
Another nice touch at Golda are the plentiful individual wet wipes to clean off your hands, found on each counter. Who does not eat ice cream and not end up with some on their fingers. Love the anticipation and the cleanliness.
Hopefully, wherever you are, there is a Golda near you! If not, get there!